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Freedom Wars Wiki

Light Melee weapons boast a balance between Speed, Power, and Function. Though less powerful than their heavier counterparts, Light Melee weapons are capable of performing quick, devestating combos.

If a Sinner grapples up to an Abductor's body with a Light Melee weapon equipped, they get the option to "severe". They are vulnerable while doing this, but it can lead to an Abductor being crippled, as well as rare materials.

Comparison chart[]

Name Power Impact Damage(%) Type Crit. Chance(%) Crit. Multiplier Brand
Murasame Mk 9 133-190 - Cutting 1 1.0 MASTERxPEACE
EZ Falke II 155-216 - Cutting 1 1.0 Eisen Und Zwolf
Hawkshadow 121-174 - Cutting 2 2.0 PROTOTYPE Inc.
Happy Chopper 141-195 15 Cutting 1 1.0 Handmate


- Cutting 0 1.0 Plus Industries
Damascus Knife 172-227 - Cutting 1 1.0 Dead Channel
