Freedom Wars Wiki
Freedom Wars Wiki
Hyuga Mk 2
Hyuga Mk 2 Attack: 219 - 286
Attack Type: Piercing
Impact Damage (%): 15
Critical Chance (%): 1
Critical Multiplier: 1.0
Absorb Chance (%) -
Health Absorbed (%) -
Manufacturer MASTERxPEACE
Description: MASTERxPEACE-produced lance that has received glowing reviews from the Better Living Through Research Division's development department. its powerful thrusting action often staggers those it srikes. It does have its idiosyncrasies, however, and can take some time to master. Can be thrown using a charged quick attack (Square).
Special Attributes: -
Acquirement Method:
Buying Cost: 450 With Discount: 338
Creation Materials: Diamond-Like Carbon: UL Hardness x 2
Ruined Gearbox x 2
Carapace: Mobile Mk 3 x 1
Creation Duration: 22:00
Upgrade Method:
Upgrade Materials Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 1 => 2: - 10:00
Upgrade Level 2 => 3: Will'O Tank: Mobile Mk 2 x3

Winged Exoskeleton: T- Type 1 x3 Nerve fiber: T- Type(low elasticity)

Upgrade Level 3 => 4: - 16:00
Upgrade Level 4 => 5: - 19:00
Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into:
Hyuga Mk 3 Hyuga Neuwirth Mk 7 Hyuga Schneier Mk 10 Hyuga Oldman Mk 4 Hyuga Kaczynski Mk 5
Upgrade Level: Upgrade Materials Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 5 => 6: - -
Upgrade Level 6 => 7: - -
Upgrade Level 7 => 8: - -
Upgrade Level 8 => 9: - -
Upgrade Level 9 => 10: - -

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