Freedom Wars Wiki
Freedom Wars Wiki
Happy Chopper
2014-11-03-201637 Attack: 141 - 195
Attack Type: Cutting
Impact Damage (%): 15
Critical Chance (%): 1
Critical Multiplier: 1.0
Absorb Chance (%) -
Health Absorbed (%) -
Manufacturer HandMate
Description: A HandMate light melee weapon capable of severing abductor parts. While it is one of the most powerful light melee weapons, often staggering those it strikes, it is also one of the slowest and is therefore at its best when used to attack from a stationary position.
Special Attributes: -
Acquirement Method:
Buying Cost: 450 With Discount: 338
Creation Materials: Diamond-Like Carbon: UL Hardness x 2
Electromagnetic Will'O Valve x 2
Carapace: Armored Mk 2 x 1
Creation Duration: 22:00
Upgrade Method:
Upgrade Materials Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 1 => 2: Generator: Melee Mk 1 x 5 10:00
Upgrade Level 2 => 3: Carapace: Melee Mk 1 x 5
Sinew Fiber: Common Mk 1 x 3
Upgrade Level 3 => 4: Generator: Melee Mk 2 x 5
Manipulator: All-Purpose Mk 1 x 3
Upgrade Level 4 => 5: Carapace: Melee Mk 2 x 5
Upper-Limb Fiber: All-Purpose Mk 2 x 3
Ferrous Fiber: Biped Mk 2 x 3
Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into: Upgrades into:
Happy Chopper Pro Pete's Easy Chopper Choppy Go Lucky Smilemaker V Mr Useful II
Upgrade Level: Upgrade Materials Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 5 => 6: Generator: Melee Mk 3 x 5
Upper-Limb Fiber: All-Purpose Mk 3 x 3
Ferrous Fiber: Biped Mk 2 x 3
Upgrade Level 6 => 7: - -
Upgrade Level 7 => 8: - -
Upgrade Level 8 => 9: - -
Upgrade Level 9 => 10: - -

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