This support weapon, manufactured by Handmate, fires a spides web which temporarily incapacitates it's target. The web can be fired at the floor or another surface, creating a proximity trap for enemy forces, though it is inneffective against large Abductors. There is a delay between the trigger being squeezed and the web being fired. This weapon cannot be used while clinging to walls.
Special Attributes:
Blast Radius (m): 0.4
Acquirement Method:
Buying Cost:
With Discount:
Creation Materials:
Processed Graphite: Ultra-Low Purity x 2 Damaged Flywheel x 2 Carapace: Mobile Mk 2 x 1
Creation Duration:
Upgrade Method:
Upgrade Materials
Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 1 => 2:
Upgrade Level 2 => 3:
Upgrade Level 3 => 4:
Upgrade Level 4 => 5:
Upgrades into:
Upgrades into:
Upgrades into:
Upgrades into:
Upgrades into:
Creamy Screamy
Mean Machine
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Linda's Noisy Blaster
Twinkle Twinkle
Upgrade Level:
Upgrade Materials
Upgrade Duration
Upgrade Level 5 => 6:
Upgrade Level 6 => 7:
Upgrade Level 7 => 8:
Upgrade Level 8 => 9:
Upgrade Level 9 => 10:
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