Freedom Wars Wiki
Freedom Wars Wiki
Freedom Wars Wiki

Combat items are used by Sinners to give themselves an edge in battle.

They can be bought at Zakka's, found on the battlefield, or crafted with Facilities.

Name Rarity GPP Category
Ammo AMMO Pack 1 20 Munitions
Amplifier Amplifier 1 20 Medical
Mine Anti-Abductor Mine 1 20 Munitions
Mine Anti-Personnel Mine 1 20 Munitions
Auto-resuscitator Auto-Resuscitator 4 80 Medical
Auto-resuscitator plus Auto-Resuscitator + 7 140 Medical
Benkei BENKEI 3 60 Munitions
Frag Bouncing Grenade 1 20 Munitions
Sticky Debilitator 3 60 Munitions
Decoy Decoy Mine 5 100 Munitions
First aid First Aid Kit 1 20 Medical
First aid plus First Aid Kit + 4 80 Medical
Flare knife Flare Knife 3 60 Munitions
Flash Flash Grenade 2 40 Munitions
Frag Frag Grenade 1 20 Munitions
Frag plus Frag Grenade + 4 80 Munitions
Adrenaline Painkillers 2 40 Medical
Regenerator Regenerator 2 40 Medical
Sticky Sticky Grenade 2 40 Munitions
Amplifier Suppressor 1 1 Medical
Flash Thorn Jammer 2 40 Medical
WillOpack Will'O Pack 2 40 Medical
Painkillers + 5 100 Medical
Flash Grenade + 5 100 Munitions
Debilitator + 7 140 Munitions
BENKEI-Auto 5 100 Munitions
BENKEI GL1 3 60 Munitions
BENKEI GL1 Auto 6 120 Munitions
Thrusterboard NG 3 60
Thrusterboard HG 3 60
Anti-Abductor Mine + 5 100 Munitions
Anti-Personnel Mine + 5 100 Munitions
Adrenaline 2 40
Adrenaline + 5 100
AMMO Pack + 6 120
Amplifier + 4 80
Bouncing Grenade + 4 80 Munitions
Flare Knife + 7 140
Regenerator + 5 100
Sticky Grenade + 5 100 Munitions
Suppressor + 4 80
Thorn Jammer + 6 120 Munitions